Mga Pahina

Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2020

Reasons I hate ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (as a legal immigrant)*

1. It is UNFAIR for everyone. Law and rules should apply to everyone and should be followed by everyone.

    Special procedures may be given to some cases but even those rare cases have specific rules applicable to them that they should follow. As someone who went through the right process, I experience it first hand, it was a long journey (others are longer) and we (my husband and I) also felt impatient at times but we knew it will be worth it in the end, knowing later on it will save us from complications and having a bad record. Some people may say they didn't had the same chance and who am I to judge but at the end of the day, sleeping peacefully at night knowing you did the right thing is what matters most (cliche as it may sound). Raising your head high without the need of pitiful justifications. Remember the saying 'Ignorance of the law excuses no one'? It is our responsibility as civilized human beings to learn the law and rules we need to follow and follow them.

2. Respecting the country, the culture, and the people of the country where you will immigrate.

    What better way can you show your respect than following their immigration rules? I have a very simple understanding, some may say this topic is not that simple but I beg to disagree. When you visit a house or ask the owner if you can stay longer or live permanently in his or her house, do you do it in your terms or the owner's terms? As a visitor or a new member of the household, it is not only polite but also necessary to ask permission first from the owner (or else you are considered trespassing or squatting) and once he approved your request to enter his house and stay there, it is your responsibility to follow his house rules. After being accepted inside the house, a visitor who knows how to properly show his gratitude will try his best to live honorably and harmoniously with everyone who lives in the house. It is the owner's privilege if he wants to think thoroughly before he decides if he wants you in his house permanently. Prove yourself worthy and he will. If you are hardheaded and want to have your own house rules, then you need to consider buying your own house (creating your own country) or returning to your previous house (previous country).

3. Some people have the wrong sense of self-entitlement

     It may be true there are things out of my control but it will never change the fact that my life and choices are my responsibility. We can blame everything and everyone but does that really give us the justification to feel we are entitled to do things our way illegally? Maybe some people can't even help but to blame God for being born in a country with bad government, being born in a war-torn area, being born from a poor family with irresponsible parents, blaming corrupt world and local leaders, human greediness etc. Everyone of us want to survive, escape bad situations, and have a better future. However, there are many before us who were in similar situations but didn't had the same wrong sense of self-entitlement. They worked hard to remove themselves from the situation they were born in, creating their own destiny in the process.

*Peace! These are my own opinions, my personal perspective on this matter. I am not an expert but I try to read, listen, and observe anything I can to learn more about this issue. I hope you do too, and whatever conclusion you may end up with, I hope you will still have the tolerance for other people's opinion. I do. ☺❤🤍🤞