As I am waiting for my working permit and other documents, I busied myself with my experimental cooking and other household chores. Depending on my mood, I read, write, watch online, bike etc. I didn't get bored for a while. I had always been a homebody and there are just so many books waiting to be read. Movies and Asian dramas to watch. But then I thought I can be more productive than my usual routine, to contribute in some way to my new community.
Last month, I started checking volunteer opportunities online near our current location in Central Florida. One of the links directed me to the Citrus County Libraries website.
I sent a message via their website and also sent an email to the contact person listed there. There are different kinds of volunteer opportunities but as a teacher, the Adult Literacy Program caught my interest.
I immediately received a reply and was given instructions to fill up the volunteer forms and register in the website's calendar for the New Tutor Training on April 11 & 12, 2019 starting from 9 AM- 3:30 PM at Lakes Region Library in Inverness, Florida.
I was so excited and was literally counting the days. Praying we don't need to get down to Miami for my husband's job on the week of the training. Answered prayer. Yes!
I enjoyed the interactive discussions I had with Julie, Helen and Rowena in our two days training facilitated by Susan, April and Cherie.
I hope that adults who needed help in their reading comprehension, getting their high school diploma and those who want to learn or practice their English will know about this program.
This program is open to anyone and it is FREE. The services under this program are mostly one on one tutoring but there are also classes for those who enjoy learning with a group.
The only thing needed to start is the willingness to learn.
These are the locations of libraries here in Citrus County.
If anyone read this and know someone, please tell them.
To those who are also interested to know more like me, you can visit these websites:
Florida Literacy Coalition
Literacy Action